A Novel Compound to Prevent Free Radical Production: A Step towards Longevity.

Researchers discover compound that stops free radicals from forming in mitochondria

Denham Harman, in 1956, proposed that oxidative damage caused by aerobic respiration is the cause of aging. Free radicals are unstable atoms with an unpaired electron. They are constantly looking for an atom to pinch an electron from. They are highly reactive and can cause serious damage to your cells when they steal the atoms.

Longevity. Technology: In addition to being produced in normal cell metabolism (pollution), free radicals are also acquired externally (cigarette smoke, radiation and medication) and the free radical theory has been a subject of much discussion [2]. The public’s understanding of the dangers free radicals present led to an increased interest in superfoods and vitamins and minerals which were antioxidants. These substances have a spare atom that they are willing to give to free radicals passing by, thus removing these from the equation.

Before you go out and buy blueberries, remember that biology isn’t always black and white. Free radicals, like a cartoon villain that is misunderstood, can also be beneficial – but only in moderation. The free radicals produced by mitochondria in cells are helpful for wound healing, while others act as signal substances. Free radicals are used by the body’s defense system to destroy pathogenic microbes and prevent disease.


Researchers develop compound that prevents free radical production in mitochondria


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