Advanced Universal Control System Revolutionizes Lower Limb Exoskeleton Control

A new universal control system could revolutionize the control of lower limb exoskeletons and improve user experience

Researchers have developed a new way to control lower limb exoskeletons by using deep reinforcement. The Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation published a method called \”Robust Walking Control of a Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Coupled with a Musculoskeletal Model via Deep Reinforcement Learning\” that allows users of lower leg exoskeletons to walk more naturally and robustly.

Exoskeletons can only provide users with limited natural and intuitive movement. This can lead to a loss of balance, and even discomfort and fatigue for the user. Few studies have focused specifically on the development and testing of robust controllers to optimize the user experience in terms safety and independence.

According to Ghaith Andréwis, Ph.D. a senior researcher at the Center for Mobility and Rehabilitation Engineering Research at Kessler Foundation and the director of the Center’s Rehabilitation Robotics and Research Laboratory, existing exoskeletons for the lower limbs rehabilitation use a variety technologies to assist the user in maintaining balance. These include special crutches and sensor, The exoskeletons without these helpers are more independent, but they add weight and reduce walking speed.



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