AI and Education: Does it Make Us Useless?

Will AI produce useless humans?

A friend told me proudly the other day that she had written a touching graduation card for her son. She said, \”Okay.\” \”I

How long is your card? She asked me.

Many also had trouble coming up with a topic. The students lacked the creativity to come up with their own ideas and the critical thinking to imagine what their audience would think. They all had GPAs of 4.0 or higher, and they came from private schools located in Orange County and LA. This reflects our watered down educational system.

Now we are told that ChatGPT will be a great benefit to our students.

Our best days are still ahead, despite these worries. I am a futurist who sees the AI boom as a call to action. Particularly in corporate America. We’ve been outsourcing too much for too long. The COVID-19 pandemic is just one example of how dependent we are on China, especially for our medical supply chain.



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