AI predicts chemical compounds that increase life spans.

Artificial Intelligence: Finding Anti-Aging Compounds To Extend Human Lifespans

The University of Surrey developed an artificial intelligence model (AI) that can identify chemical compounds that encourage healthy aging. This could lead to pharmaceutical innovations that increase lifespan.

A team of Surrey chemists published a paper in Nature Communication’s Scientific Reports that used a machine-learning model built on information from the DrugAge data base to predict if a compound could extend the lifespan of Caenorhabditis Elegans – a translucent worm with a metabolism similar to humans. Researchers were able to observe the effects of chemical compounds on the worms because their lifespan was shorter.

The AI identified three compounds with a 80 percent chance to increase the lifespan of elegans.


Extending Human Lifespans: Using Artificial Intelligence To Find Anti-Aging Chemical Compounds


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