AI Uncovers the Drug Trafficking: Cops use AI to monitor millions of cars to catch criminals

This AI watches millions of cars daily and tells cops if you’re driving like a criminal

The AI searched through a database of over 1.6 billion license plates collected in the past two years across New York State and determined that Zayas was driving a car typical of drug traffickers. A Department of Justice prosecutor’s filing states that the car made nine trips between October 2020 to August 2021 from Massachusetts to various parts of New York, following routes used by drug pushers for short-term stays. On March 10, last year, Westchester PD stopped him and searched his vehicle. They found 112 grams crack cocaine, a pistol semiautomatic and $34,000 cash. Zayas plead guilty to drug trafficking charges a year later.

Ben Gold, attorney: \”Without judicial oversight, this type of system is operated at the whim of each officer who has access to it.\”



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