Alex Vikoulov’s Masterpiece: The Syntellect Hypothesis.

Masterpiece: The Syntellect Hypothesis

The Syntellect Hypothesis:

The Syntellect Hypothesis, Alex Vikoulov’s recent bestseller and masterpiece, was my honour to write the foreword. You can read my Foreword here:

It is likely that if you read this book you have heard about the Cosmism movement from the early 20th century. The movement was born in Russia and aimed to conquer the stars and planets, as well as extend life and immortalize our loved ones through technology. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was one of its pioneers, who not only explored the Macro but also the Micro. He described the atomic world in terms of being animated, and could be considered to be a cosmist or panpsychist.

The Russian Cosmists’ work on the cosmic aspirations for man soon resonated through the intellectual world in the early 20th century, and found resonance and fertile soil in the works by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Teilhard de Chardin believed that evolution had a direction. It was the direction towards concentrating consciousness into form and striving to accumulate knowledge. This is achieved gradually by the formation the Noosphere, culminating in the apotheosis the Omega Point. Teilhard deChardin believed that Omega Point was not a future construct but is in fact already here in the form of \”Great Presence\”. His pantheism, therefore, is more panentheism, in which God is both immanent as well as transcendent.



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