Are Death Odds Inevitable Even With Prolonged Life?

Surviving the Odds

Does life extension… go against probability?

Probability is a guarantee that you will eventually die once you reach a certain age. Does it put the final nail in the coffin of life-extension? Answer is not as obvious as you may think.

A recent study by Sapienza university in Italy revived the concept of \”mortality plateaus\”. This is the flattening mortality rates for people over 100 years old. The maximum mortality rate for such people would be 50% at 105 years of age [1]. Even if the mortality rate was constant throughout your life, you would still be very likely to die fairly soon.

Even more depressing, even if the probability was small, it would be very likely that you will die after a certain time period, even if it is billions of year in the future. In fact, if you were to multiply this probability by an infinite amount of time, it would equal 100%. The situation is not as bad as it appears.



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