Asymmetrex publishes the first report of immortal DNA strands in human stem cells.

Asymmetrex publishes first report of immortal DNA strands in human stem cells

BOSTON (PRWEB), November 18, 2020

What does it mean that multiplying cells are immortal? Cell DNA is replicated and divided evenly between the new cells created by cell divisions. All of the new components created by the DNA code mix with the old components to create the new cells. Every cell is therefore a brand new cell. Nothing about them is immortal. Right?

Not quite. The stem cells that renew mature body cells are not the same. Tissue cell scientists believed for a long period of time that stem cells were immortal and could last as long as a human life. John Cairns was a pioneer in DNA replication and he began to think about cancer and DNA mutations in the 1970s. This is when a molecular understanding of stem cell immortality emerged.



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