Aubrey de Grey Interview: Rejuvenation Is Finally Here!

It’s finally possible to rejuvenate!

Aubrey de Grey in a new interview

What is aging? Ageing is the accumulation of damage that occurs as a result of normal metabolism. Researchers still do not fully understand the metabolic processes that cause damage accumulation and the pathology caused by accumulated damage, but the damage itself – the structural difference between young and old tissue – is well understood. We can rejuvenate an organism by repairing the damage and restoring it to its previous, undamaged state. This sounds great, and it is. It has already been proven to be effective for certain types of damage, such as senescent cell damage.

Aubrey de Grey is back in our virtual studio today, between the cold and rainy Saint-Petersburg, and the warm, sunny Mountain View. Here is a short introduction for those who don’t know him.



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