Barcoding studies reveal unexpected sources of blood

Our blood may not be what we thought.

Barcoding studies revealed two sources of blood cells in mice. If this is confirmed in humans, it will alter our understanding of blood tumors, bone-marrow transplants and the aging immunity system.

It may not be what we think. The groundbreaking research, which used cellular \”barcoding\”, in mice, found that blood cells do not originate from just one type of mother-cell, but rather two. This could have implications for blood cancers and bone marrow transplants as well as immunology. The study was led by Fernando Camargo PhD of the Stem Cell Program, Boston Children’s Hospital. It will be published in Nature on 15 June 2022.

\”Historically, people believed that the majority of our blood came from a small number of stem cells. These cells are also called hematopoietic cells, or blood stem cells. \”We were surprised that another group of progenitor stem cells did not originate from stem cells. The majority of blood is produced in the fetal stage until early adulthood. After that, it gradually decreases.


The Origins of Our Blood May Not Be What We Thought


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