Bill Andrews & Jon Cornell, Dr. Bill Andrews: Exploring Telomere lengthening to Cure All Diseases Including Cancer and Aging

Telomere lengthening: Curing cancer and aging, as well as all other diseases
I want to dramatically improve your life. I will share with you how you can break bad habits quickly and develop and maintain new healthy habits. I do the research, read the books, and then share the results with you through my YouTube videos. Not a bad deal, eh?

This video is an excerpt from the book Telomere Lengthening by Dr. Bill Andrews & Jon Cornell.

– Dr. Bill Andrew’s Facebook:
– Dr. Bill Andrew’s LinkedIn:
– Sierra Sciences website:
– Defy Time’s website where you can buy TAM-818 products:
– Watch the documentary \”The Immortalists\” about Dr. Bill Andrews & Aubrey de Grey:…8FYKWYT4IY
– Telomere Lengthening: Curing all diseases including cancer & aging by Dr. Bill Andrews and Jon Cornell — book on Amazon:…atfound-20
– Curing Aging: Bill Andrews on Telomere Basics book on Amazon:…6SQ55SA5JP
– YouTube video- Bill Andrews speech at RAADfest 2018 (Sept 21, San Diego, CA):
– YouTube video- Human Longevity Project Dr Bill Andrews:
– YouTube video- Dr. Bill Andrews, \”Telomere Lengthening Resetting the Clock of Aging\”:
– Life Length’s website:

After the book review was posted on YouTube, Dr. Bill Andrews responded to it. Here’s Dr. Andrews’ comment: Great Review Brent!!! Yes, I’d love to interview you. Yes, I will be releasing a new novel soon.
TAM818, the most potent telomerase inducer (, produces 16% of telomerase needed to stop telomeres shortening.
Gene Therapy, also known as Gene Delivery, is not the same thing as gene editing. We deliver (not edit) the telomerase genes to human cells in our Gene Therapy. Liz Parrish has done Gene Therapy and not Gene Editing. She does, however, have plans to do Gene Editing in the future.
You can also find my books in other languages on
Both books were written to answer the many questions I get asked when I am on stage. This is not meant to be an opinion that requires scientific backing. This is because the majority of what I have to say isn’t controversial. All of it is widely accepted in the scientific community. The book would have become too technical if I had added references. The controversial chapter \”Telomerase Does Not Cause Cancer\”, however, was included. I not only provided references but also a link to the peer-reviewed scientific studies. Both books are useful as aids for others to understand the field.
It’s not about me. That’s why I didn’t write a bio. I’m not trying to promote my own work. I’m just trying to raise awareness of this field, so more people will be interested in supporting it. For those that want to know more about me my bio can be found at
I hope Warren Buffet or Warren Buffet’s friend Dr. Peter Attia read this book review!! !
Brent, thank you! !

Forever Labs discount code for 1 year of free cryogenic storage (value $250): BN801
– Forever Labs website:

– Viome’s website:
– Sergey Brin’s wikipedia:
– Larry Page’s wikipedia:
– Larry Ellison’s wikipedia:
– Warren Buffett’s wikipedia:
– Jeff Bezos’s wikipedia:
– Peter Attia’s wikipedia:
– Liz Parrish’s Facebook:
– Dr. Ed Park’s Facebook:



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