Bipartisan Support for the Fight Against Aging: An Interview with Rep. Bilirakis of the Congressional Caucus for Longevity Science

Rep. Bilirakis in the Longevity Science Caucus

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that there is a bipartisan caucus in the house on longevity.

The bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Longevity Science has given us powerful allies in the longevity science field on Capitol Hill. We were able to ask one of the co-chairs questions.

If we want to make meaningful progress at a global level, the fight against aging has to be a priority for humanity. To do this, we need to find allies in politicians and other decision-makers.

Recent developments have taken a significant step in this direction. Gus Bilirakis, R-FL and Paul Tonko, D-NY announced the formation the Congressional Caucus for Longevity Science. According to a press release, \”the caucus aims to educate members about the growing field aging and biotechnology and promote initiatives that aim to increase the healthy average life expectancy of all Americans.\”


Rep. Bilirakis on the Longevity Science Caucus


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