Book Publishing: AI is set to revolutionize the trade book publishing industry

AI is about to turn the book publishing industry upside down

I think that generative AI can automate every function of trade book publishing. If this is true, the trade book publishing business as we know will soon become obsolete. We’ll need to move forward.

There are two quick provisos, however. It is clear that this isn’t just about ChatGPT or other GPTs, and LLMs. There are a number of technologies and processes that can be used to enhance the functionality of generative artificial intelligence. But generative AI remains the most important ingredient. It is essential to what I am describing.

The second proviso has a different flavor. People will always try to beat you by using another absolute when you make absolute claims about a particular technology. Someone will say that Formula One cars are not included in the self-driving cars that will one day be available. Point taken.



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