Breaking the Wall of Scepticism – Exploring the reasons behind the public’s resistance to Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine: Breaking the Wall of Skepticism

Is it because of this that the public is so sceptical about the new field of regenerative medicines? Is it because we have been bombarded by empty promises of eternal life for so long that we are numb? It’s possible, but I think it goes deeper than just old-fashioned skepticism. Our species has a tendency to believe something, if it is what we want to believe, no matter how many evidences are presented.

Perhaps we are experiencing yet another example where humans find it difficult to accept and comprehend dramatic changes to their way of living. In fact, almost every major change that has occurred in recent years was initially viewed as impossible by the public. The internet and the aeroplane were once considered science fiction. But today, they are a part of our everyday lives. This is not to suggest that all the things the public doubts will ultimately prove to be wrong. But, lessons from history show that the public won’t believe in scientific progress until they see it.

Some people believe that skepticism about regenerative medicine is a deeper issue, because it threatens to fundamentally alter our outlook on the universe. Our interactions with others have taught us how to live our lives. You’re supposed to slowly lose your mental and physical abilities until you die. It is the way it is and we all would have to change our thinking if we ever wanted to see things differently. We find it hard to imagine a 125-year-old with the same appearance as a 25-year old. For many, the idea of eternal health is so contrary to their basic beliefs about how the world works that they can’t comprehend anything else. Some people would go so far as to justify the ageing process, calling it an essential part of life. This is what we can call ‘Stockholm Syndrome with extra steps.



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