Can ChatGPT or other large language models think? AI and Philosophy: What Does it Mean?

ChatGPT Can’t Think — Consciousness is something entirely different to today’s AI

Around the world, people are shocked at the rapid progress of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence based on large language models (LLMs). These systems are capable of producing text that appears to show thought, understanding and creativity.

Can these systems think and comprehend? It is not possible to answer this question through technology, but careful analysis and arguments tell us that the answer is \”no\”. We will never be able to fully understand the benefits and dangers of the AI revolution unless we work through these philosophical issues.

Alan Turing published a 1950 paper outlining a method to determine whether a machine can think. Turing envisioned a conversation between a person and two hidden interlocutors: one human, the other computer. It is the player’s job to figure out who is speaking.


ChatGPT Can’t Think—Consciousness Is Something Entirely Different to Today’s AI


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