Can diet influence epigenetic aging?

What Diet can slow down epigenetic aging?

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A faster rate of epigenetic-aging, measured by AgeAccelGrim (the epigenetic age metric), is associated with an increased risk of mortality for all causes, in various cohorts including the Framingham Heart Study, Women’s Health Initiative, InChianti, and the Jackson Heart Study. 2019):

Can epigenetic aging slow down in order to minimize disease risk and maximize longevity? Below is a correlation between AgeAccelGrim and dietary components. The dietary factors associated with younger epigenetic ages (the column labeled \”p\”) were carbohydrate consumption, dairy, whole grain, fruit and vegetables. In contrast, red meat and dietary fat were linked to older epigenetic age (Lu et. al.). 2019):


Epigenetic Aging: Can It Be Slowed With Diet?


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