Can we achieve immortality by biohacking human life span?

Can human mortality hack?

Scientists and tech moguls on the fringe believe they have found the fountain of Youth. You need to read this:

What is biohacking? Silicon Valley was built on the belief that technology could optimize or \”hack\” any aspect of life. So why not extend the lifespan? Before recently, anyone selling pills or treatments to restore youth was considered a quack. However, a growing number \”transhumanists,\” who believe that bioengineering can transform human beings in the future, are confident that aging is curable.

Some futurists predict that biohackers of this generation will double their lifespans due to rapid advances in nanotechnology and robotics. Aubrey de Grey is a regenerative medical researcher who has the backing of tech mogul Peter Thiel. She believes that anyone alive today can live to 1,000. De Grey: \”I find it incredible that this claim is so incendiary.\” Joon Yun, a Korean financier and physician, has offered $500,000 in prizes for anyone who can restore the youthful heart rate of a test animal and increase its life expectancy by 50%. Yun calculates that the mortality rate for humans at 20 years old is just 0.001%. \”If you can maintain your homeostatic capacity throughout your lifetime, then your average lifespan would be 1,000.\”



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