Cancer’s Immortality Limited: Blocking anti-aging enzymes for natural cellular aging

Blocking anti-aging enzymes makes cancer die of old age

Cancer and aging are both a part of aging at the cellular scale. Slowing down the mechanism that limits cell lifespan can make them more cancerous as they multiply unchecked. Scientists at EPFL found a way of manipulating that mechanism in order to turn off the immortality of cancer cells, allowing them to die slowly and naturally.

The chromosomes contain blueprints that a cell consults every time it divides. However, some genetic information is lost each time. Telomeres, which are repeating sequences or \”junk DNA\”, cover the tips of chromosomes to protect the important bits. They eventually erode, leaving cells vulnerable to damage, which we can see as wrinkles and grey hairs. Telomere length and aging are inextricably related.



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