Celebrate our Success at the First Ending Age Related Diseases Conference

Our First Conference was a Success!
For a day packed with science, we brought together the top experts in biotech and aging research. Check out the first video of this event to see what took place.

We hosted our first conference on July 12th at the Frederick P. Rose Auditorium of the Cooper Union Campus in New York City. The conference was a great success, with 160 participants, speakers from research and business and excellent discussion panels.

This conference aimed to encourage multidisciplinary collaboration to develop next-generation drugs, therapies and treatments that target the aging process directly and have the potential to cure and prevent age-related illnesses.

We have recorded all the panels and talks from the conference and will make them available to you on our website once they have been edited. Lifespan Heroes monthly patrons will receive early access to the videos as a way of saying thank you.



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