Cellular Aquaculture with Lou Cooperhouse from BlueNalu: Feeding The World And Saving Oceans

Cellular Aquaculture for Food Security and Sustainability
Cellular Aquaculture — Feed The World and Save the Oceans — Lou Cooperhouse, President & CEO, of BlueNalu, joins me on ideaXme (https://radioideaxme.com/) to discuss his company’s technologies to provide the world with healthy and safe cell-based seafood products, and support the sustainability and diversity of our oceans — #Ideaxme #StemCells #Aquaculture #Oceans #Fish #Sushi #Poke #Ceviche #SustainableDevelopment #Agriculture #Health #Wellness #RegenerativeMedicine #Biotech #Longevity #Aging #IraPastor #Bioquark #Regenerage ideaXme BlueNalu Rutgers University Rich Products Sumitomo Chemical: Group Companies of the Americas KBW Investments.

Ira Pastor interviews Lou Cooperhouse (President and CEO of BlueNalu), ideaXme’s life sciences ambassador, and Bioquark founder.

Ira Pastor’s comments

The global demand for seafood has reached an all-time high as consumers choose to consume an incredible variety of seafood products available worldwide. Unfortunately, the global seafood supply cannot keep up with demand as marine species populations have been halved in size since 1970. Overfishing, illegal fisheries, increasing ocean temperatures, acidification and the effects of trawling are all contributing factors.

Consumers are also looking for more in their food. Consumers are becoming more concerned with animal welfare, and conditions under which fish is farmed and captured. They are also increasingly concerned with their own welfare as seafood is a potential source of toxic substances, parasites and pathogens. It can also contain mercury, toxins, poisons and other pollutants.

Biotechnology can be used to create a food source based on sustainable cells.

Cellular agriculture, or aquaculture, as our theme is today, focuses on producing products from cell culture using biotechnology, tissue-engineering, molecular and synthetic biology. This allows for the creation and design of new methods to produce proteins, fats and tissues, which would otherwise be produced by traditional agriculture and aquaculture.

Lou Cooperhouse is the President and CEO at BlueNalu. The company’s mission is to become the global leader in cell aquaculture. They provide consumers with healthy, delicious, and safe seafood products made from cells that are trusted by the public. These products also support sustainability and the diversity of the ocean.



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