Cellular Glue: Unlocking the Potential for Tissue Regeneration and Wound Healing

The cellular ‘glue’ can heal wounds, regenerate nerves and regenerate tissue

Researchers at UC San Francisco have developed molecules that act as \”cellular glue\”, allowing them the ability to control in a precise manner how cells bond together. This discovery is a significant step towards building tissues and organs – a goal that regenerative medicine has long sought after [1].

Longevity. Technology: Adhesive molecule are naturally found throughout the body. They hold its tens and trillions of cells in highly-organised pattern. They create structures, neuronal networks and guide immune cells towards their targets. Adhesion facilitates cell communication to maintain the body’s self-regulation.

A new study published in Nature details how researchers engineered cells that contained customised adhesion molecule, which bound with partner cells in predictable manners to form complex multicellular ensembles.


Cellular ‘glue’ can regenerate tissues, heal wounds and regrow nerves


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