Cellular Senescence Program of the NIH Common Fund: Unlocking Secrets of Senescent Cells

NIH launches a program to map a type of rare non-dividing cell implicated in human disease and health
The National Institutes of Health launched a study to examine a rare cell type, \”senescent\”, that plays both positive and negatively in biological processes. Cellular Senescence (SenNet), a program of the NIH Common Fund, will use recent advances in single-cell analysis to identify and characterize differences in senescent cell populations across the body and throughout the lifespan. These cells were difficult to study and identify because of their rarity and diversity. A deeper understanding of these cells will allow researchers to develop therapies that promote the beneficial effects of senescent cell while suppressing tissue-damaging effects.

The number of senescent (dead) cells in an individual’s body increases as they age. This may be due to both a greater generation of these cells, and the decreased ability of their immune system. Richard J. Hodes M.D. is the director of NIH’s National Institute on Aging. He said that this age-related accumulation leads to the production of inflammatory molecule and corrupting of healthy cells. This can impact a person’s capacity to recover from an injury, or handle stress. It may also affect their ability to maintain normal brain functions. The goal of NIH’s increased focus on this area of science is to conquer these challenges and others one day.

The human body is marked by the division of a cell into two. Over time, the body accumulates a small number cells that do not divide. These \”senescent cells\” can have a significant impact on health either directly or by releasing molecules that influence neighboring cells. Senescent cells may play a positive role, for example by repairing wounds or preventing the growth of tumors in certain cancers. They can, however, contribute to chronic diseases such as neurodegeneration and cardiovascular disease. To target and eliminate senescent cell from the body, \”senolytics\”, or therapeutics are being developed.



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