Chat with the stars: NASA develops AI-powered ChatGPT-like assistant for astronauts

NASA has created a ChatGPT assistant for astronauts

Although we are taught by films like 2001: A Space Odyssey to distrust AI in space (\”I’m sorry I can’t, Dave\”) it has many advantages for both manned and non-manned missions. The Guardian reported that NASA is working on a system which will enable astronauts to conduct experiments, perform maneuvers and more by using a ChatGPT interface that uses natural language.

\”The goal is to reach a stage where we can have conversations with space vehicles, and they will also talk back to us about alerts and interesting discoveries they find in the solar and beyond system,\” Dr. Larissa said at an IEEE conference on next-generation space communication. It’s not science fiction any more.

NASA plans to deploy this system on the Lunar Gateway, which will orbit the Moon as part of NASA’s Artemis Mission. The system would be based on a natural-language interface, which allows astronauts ask for advice about experiments or perform maneuvers without having to read complex manuals.



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