ChatGPT resumes service in Italy after adding privacy disclosures and controls

ChatGPT is back in Italy with privacy controls and disclosures

After OpenAI announced privacy controls for ChatGPT (its generative AI chatbot), the service was made available to users again in Italy. This resolved an early regulatory suspension, in one of the 27 member states of the European Union, while a local investigation of its compliance with regional data protection laws continues.

As of the date this article was written, web users who access ChatGPT using an Italian IP address no longer receive a message informing them that the service has been \”disabled\” for Italian users. OpenAI \”is pleased to resume offering ChatGPT\” in Italy.

It then states that the user must confirm their age is 18+, or 13+ if they have parental consent. This can be done by clicking on \”I meet OpenAI’s age requirements\”.


ChatGPT resumes service in Italy after adding privacy disclosures and controls


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