Beyond longevity: the DIY quest to cheat Death and Stop Aging
He has outlived his official life expectancy of the CDC by two years. And he doesn’t plan to die or slow down anytime soon. Scott is an active man who jets back and forth between homes in Florida and upstate New York, travels to exotic places like Panama City on business, and finds time to cruise. His secret? His secret? A DIY regimen of self-experimentation, untested treatments and a DIY regime that he believes is going to keep him alive well into the next century.
The history of medicine is littered with self-experimenters. Nicholas Senn inflated the insides of his body with hydrogen a few years later to determine if this could be used to diagnose a ruptured bowel. Barry Marshall, a dentist, drank a bacterial solution containing H. pylori to prove that it caused ulcers in 1985.
Scott isn’t a scientist. These scientists have risked their health to prove a hypothesis or make a medical discovery. Scott is a biohacker, a hobbyist who loves to experiment. Biohackers are DIY biologists who experiment on themselves in order to improve their body and brain. Many of them, like Scott, see longevity as their ultimate goal.