China’s Photonic Quantum Computer Breaks Speed Records: 180,000,000 Times Faster than Super Computers, Says the ‘Father Quantum’

According to the father of quantum computing, China’s photonic computer is 180,000,000 times faster than any other quantum computer.

It took me less than a minute to solve a problem that would have taken supercomputers five years to resolve.

The South China Morning Post reported that a quantum computer called Juizhang was built by Pan Jianwei and his team. It claims to be able to process AI-related tasks 180,000,000 times faster.

China is slowly developing its expertise in quantum computing, the next frontier in computing. While the US continues to celebrate its dominance in the TOP500 list of supercomputers around the world. In quantum computing, unlike conventional computing where a bit, the smallest unit of information, can be either one or zero at a time, a bit can exist simultaneously in both states.



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