Clarifying the fiction: Examining Asimov’s Laws of Robotics

Asimov’s laws of robotics are not actual laws

People have recently been discussing the ethics of artificial intelligent technology, thanks to recent advances in AI chatbots as well as warnings from prominent AI researchers about the need to stop AI research before it destroys our society.

It’s not a new topic: Ever since people began to imagine robots, they have been trying to find ways to stop them from searching for the last remnants of humanity hidden in a large field of skulls. Isaac Asimov’s Laws of Robotics is perhaps the most famous fictional example of how to limit technology in order to prevent it from destroying humanity.

Asimov’s laws, such as those in his short stories Runaround and I, Robot, have been incorporated as safety features in all AI works. As some people on the Internet seem to think, they are not real laws. Nor is there a current way to implement them.



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