Compassionate care: an exploration of Dr. Michael Fossel’s vision to reverse aging

Dr. Michael Fossel – Compassion is what reverses aging!
An excellent interview. Fossel and Aubrey de Grey, of the SENS Foundation, disagree about telomerase.

Dr. Michael Fossel: Compassion is the reason to reverse aging!

Michael Fossel has a dream to reverse human ageing. He has been vocally advocating telomerase as a possible intervention for a variety of medical conditions associated with aging since 1996. Fossel is also one of those rare people that are not only a pleasure to see on stage, but to meet personally. Michael Fossel is both a passionate expert speaker and a compassionate person. He is a gracious host who enjoys entertaining guests at his beautiful house in Rapid Falls, Michigan. I must admit that I had a lot of fun interacting with him, both on camera and off. Overall, I had a great time interviewing and meeting Dr. Fossel as part of my Singularity 1 to 1 podcast.

We cover many interesting topics during our one-hour discussion with Michael, including: his desire to reverse ageing and its feasibility; the Hayflick Limit of Cell Division and Aubrey de Grey’s concern that telomerase may cause cancer; his non-sexy tips for healthy living; and his thoughts on cryonics and Transhumanism.

The following are my favorite quotes from Michael Fossel.

\”Ageing is not static, but dynamic\”

Never mind the low hanging fruit. […] \”Go for the important one!\”

The purpose of reverse aging is not to increase someone’s life expectancy. This is done because there are people who are in pain. They are scared. They are scared of what happens to them when they contract a disease. We should do this because we are humans and we need to work on this. This is not about playing God. It’s about being human. It’s compassion. It’s compassion.



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