Cryostasis Revival: Reviving Cryonics patients Through Nanomedicine

Cryostasis Regeneration: The Recovery of Cryonics patients through Nanomedicine

Cryostasis Revival, by Robert Freitas, is the first technical explanation of how to revive patients with cryonics in the future. This 700+ pages book, with thousands of references and technical color illustrations is now available in a limited hardcover textbook edition on Amazon.

Cryostasis, also known as emergency cryostasia, is a medical procedure that places a patient in a state of biological stasis by lowering the temperature to cryogenic levels. The cryopreserved condition can be maintained for an indefinite period of time without further degradation. However, the technology available today cannot be used to revive a patient in this state. This book presents a comprehensive concept protocol for human cryopreservation revival using medical nanorobots. This book presents three stages of the revival method: collecting information about preserved structures, computing how damaged structures can be repaired, and then implementing the repair using nanorobots made in a Nanofactory, a system that allows for atomically accurate manufacturing.



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