David Brin on the Existential Risks of AI

David Brin: From Sci-Fi into Reality: AI Risks Addressed
AI reached its threshold for nuclear weapons. The most significant technological advancement in human history may be the split of the atom.

Conversation with Science Fiction Author and NASA Consultant David Brin on the Existential Risks of AI, and how we can address them.

David Brin offers advice to new authors.

David Brin’s WIRED article assesses the odds (nil) of a ‘AI moratorium’. It then breaks down three standard AI-formats’ implicitly accepted by everyone in the field: corporate puppet, invasive Blob, or Skynet. Formats that will only end in disaster.
He propose instead a 4th — that AI entities just might be held accountable if they have individuality… even ‘soul’… https://www.wired.com/story/give-ever… Brin’s related NEWSWEEK op-ed (June’22) dealt with ’empathy bots\” that feign sapience. https://www.newsweek.com/soon-humanit… Here also is a YouTube pod where I give an expanded version:
* AI is alive! Or… Here’s why all those calls for an AI moratorium are doomed. https://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2023/0… David Brin’s website http://www.davidbrin.com David Brin latest book VIVID TOMORROWS: Science Fiction and Hollywood — http://www.davidbrin.com/vividtomorro… David Brin’s blog (Contrary Brin blog) http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/ Links: Quora blog: https://spacefaringcivilization.quora… Amazon Author page: http://amazon.com/author/ronfriedman My Website: https://ronsfriedman.wordpress.com/ Subscribe to my mailing list: https://ronsfriedman.wordpress.com/su… How to support the channel: Get $5 in NDAX (Canadian Crypto Exchange): https://refer.ndax.io/vm1j Buy Escape Velocity short stories collection: Support with Ethereum or Plygon donation: sciandscifi.nft.

David Brin’s related NEWSWEEK opinion piece (June’22) discussed ’empathy robots’ that pretend to be sapient.

You can also listen to an extended version on YouTube:

All those calls for an AI moratorium are doomed. https://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-only-way-out-of-ai-dilemma.html.

David Brin website

David Brin latest book.
VIVID TOMORROWS: Science Fiction and Hollywood — http://www.davidbrin.com/vividtomorrows.html.
David Brin’s blog (Contrary Brin Blog)



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