Genetics of Alcohol Use Disorder and Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Overlap: A Study
Above: MAPT codes for tau protein (blue) in a neuron. NATIONAL INDUSTRY ON AGING/ NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH
Scientists reported on the 20th of August that some genetic risk factors overlap with those associated with neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s. The study, which used a combination genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic data, offers insights into the molecular similarities between these disorders and their links to immune dysfunction.
In an email sent to The Scientist, David Goldman, a researcher in neurogenetics at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, writes: \”By combining findings from genome-wide association studies… with gene expression in brain and tissues, this study has prioritized those genes that are likely to harbor regulatory variations influencing risk for Alcohol Use Disorder.\” \”Several of these gene variants are also linked to neurodegenerative diseases–an interesting connection given that alcohol can prematurely age the mind.\”