Discovering surprising facts from Dr Nir Bazilai: How Centenarians live longer than their genes suggest

Not the Longevity genes! Dr Nir Barzilai Clips
\”Functional Mutations in the Growth Hormone Pathway\” means it is not activated. What was good for your youth might not be so good as you age.

In this video, Dr Nir Barzilai reveals the findings of the longevity gene project on why Centenarians are living longer. It’s not about longevity genes or healthy lifestyles, but the results.

Dr. Nir Bázilai, Director of the Institute for Aging Research in the Albert Einstein College of Medicine is also the Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Human Aging Research. He is also the Director of the Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence for the Basic Biology of Aging at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He is Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Genetics and the Diabetes Research Center, and a member of the Divisions of Endocrinology & Diabetes and Geriatrics.

Dr. Barzilai is interested in genetics and biology of aging. We hypothesized and proved that centenarians possess protective genes which delay aging or protect against age-related illnesses. We have used the phenotypes and DNA of Ashkenazi Jewish families that are known for their exceptional longevity, as well as the controls established by his group at Einstein (2,600 samples, of which 670 centenarians). This has allowed us to discover the genomic differences behind longevity. Longevity Genes Project is a cross sectional, ongoing collection of blood and probands from families that have centenarians. LonGenity, a longitudinal study of 1400 subjects, including half of the offspring of parents who have exceptional longevity, validates and follows their aging as it relates to their genome.

Disclaimer: This video does not constitute health advice and should not be used as a substitute for professional guidance. Video content is solely for informational purposes.

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