Discovering the role of autophagy in shaping microglial polarization during aging

Microglial changes are linked to the loss of autophagy

Researchers have found a connection between the autophagy system, a cellular recycling system, and the behavior microglial immune cell during aging.

In previous articles we have talked about the polarization macrophages, which has been a very hot topic for researchers over the past few years. Microglia, which are macrophages that reside in tissue of the central nervous, have a polarization status, just like all macrophages. This polarization determines how they behave and what they do.

Macrophages can be classified into two groups: M1 or M2. M1 macrophages are aggressive and proinflammatory. They use different cellular weapons to fight off invading bacteria or viruses. M2 macrophages, on the other hand, are focused on reducing inflammatory processes to promote tissue repair and healing.



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