Dr. Julie K. Andersen will speak at the 2019 Undoing Aging Conference : Celebrating SENS & Forever Healthy Living

Program: We are pleased to announce that Prof. Julie K. Andersen, at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging (in Novato), will be speaking at the 2019 Undoing Aging Conference.

\”Julie was associated with SENS from its very beginnings: she took part in the first workshop I organized to discuss it in 2000 and she co-authored the first SENS article in 2002. Aubrey de Grey says, \”We’re thrilled to fund her Buck Institute laboratory to explore new methods of eliminating neurofibrillary knots from the neurons of Alzheimer sufferers. At UA2019, we’ll hear about their first progress.\”

https://www.undoing-aging.org/news/dr-julie-k-andersen-to-sp…Qq6fZbArkM #

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