Dr. Mike West, a pioneer of rejuvenation research to speak at 2019 Undoing Aging Conference

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Mike West is the founder and CEO of AgeX as a keynote speaker at the 2019 Undoing Aging Conference.

Mike is the last speaker to be announced, but he represents \”last but certainly not least\”. He’s the only one we invited last year who was also invited this year. This is no accident. The field of rejuvenation, which is exploding with research and diversity, has so many outstanding researchers that I would be able to fill the entire program even if it lasted for a week. Mike was the pioneer of our field. He was the first rejuvenation scientist to successfully take early-stage research into the private sector. Aubrey de Grey says, \”He’s still leading this crusade and I am eager to hear what he has this year to say.\”


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