Duke study: Tackling climate change could save 153 million lives

A new study says that tougher climate policies could save 153 millions lives

A new Duke University study shows that governments could prevent 153,000,000 air pollution-related deaths if they accelerated the timeline for reducing fossil fuel emission. This article was originally published on LongevityFacts. Brady Hartman is the author.

A new study finds that lowering carbon dioxide emissions has another benefit, other than reducing sea level rise.

If the nations of the globe agree to reduce emissions enough to limit global temperatures rise to less that 1.5degC, (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), at the end of this century, they will save approximately 153 million lives. This is a little less than the Paris Climate Accords’ target of 1.5degC (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).


Tougher climate policies can save 153 million lives says a new study


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