Eating Less Does Not Guarantee Longer, Healthier Lives: A Study

How can you eat less and still live a healthy, long life? A study shows that ‘not all cases’

A research assumption on aging is that dietary restrictions (and drugs mimicking their effects) can slow down aging and extend lifespan and healthspan together. A Spartan-style diet can extend lifespan in many species and delay age-related illnesses. However, a genome wide analysis of 160 genetically different strains of D. melanogaster fruit flies shows that healthspan and lifespan are not related under dietary restrictions. The results are published in Current Biology.

Researchers from the Buck Institute’s Kapahi laboratory say that while on average, lifespan and healthspan were increased, the devil lies in the details. Researchers measured changes in healthspan and lifespan based on nutrient intake. Only 50 percent of strains responded positively to dietary restrictions for both lifespan and healthspan. 97 percent of the strains had some response in either direction. Thirteen percent were more vigorous but died earlier with dietary restrictions; five percent lived longer but had a worse health. The remaining 32 per cent of strains did not show any benefit or harm to healthspan or lifespan, or negative reactions to either.

Pankaj Kapahi Ph.D. is Buck professor and senior co-author of the study. He said that dietary restriction may work, but it’s not a panacea to prolong healthspan and delay age related diseases. Our study is surprising, and it gives us a peek into what will happen to humans. We’re all unique and we will respond differently to dietary restrictions. Our results also question the notion that a longer lifespan is always accompanied by improved health.



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