Elon Musk challenges Bill Gates’ understanding of AI

Elon Musk Says Bill Gates’ Understanding Of AI Is \”Limited\”

Elon Musk, a billionaire, took a jab at Bill Gates, whose knowledge of artificial intelligent (AI) is also limited. He said that Gates’ knowledge of AI is \”limited\”.

Sandy Kory had tweeted a response in which she praised Mr. Gates’ leadership at Microsoft, and his approach to AI. Bill Gates wrote in his essay The Age of AI that he had been meeting the OpenAI team since 2016. …\” When someone like Gates is bullish about AI, it’s a big deal. It’s also notable that MSFT is following this closely for such a long time,\” he said.

Mr. Kory was making reference to a 3,639 word essay that the billionaire had written on his blog entitled \”The Age of A.I. Has Begun\”. He talked about the humanity’s waiting for a new great revolution. Mr. Gates spoke about the impact AI could have on education, employment, and health care.



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