Engineering Lifespan: Hematopoietic Transplantation of a Genetically Modified blood System

Hematopoietic transfer of the anti-cancer and life-extending capabilities of a genetically engineered blood system
There is a causal relationship between the aging process and organ decay, dis-function and cancer. The EklfK74R/K74R mouse model (also known as EklfK74R/K74R) carries a mutation at the sumoylation sites of the hematopoietic KLF1/ EKLF transcription factor. This genetically engineered mice has exhibited a long lifespan, healthy traits and resistance to cancer. We show that the high anti-cancer capability of the Eklf (K74R) mice are gender-, age-and genetic background-independent. The anti-cancer ability and prolonged lifespan of Eklf mice (K74R), could be transferred by transplanting their mononuclear bone marrow cells to wild type mice. The analysis of global/targeted gene expression profiles has revealed changes in the expression of certain proteins and cellular pathway in leukocytes from the Eklf mice (K74R). These changes are geared towards anti-cancer or anti-aging. This study shows the feasibility of creating a new hematopoietic/blood system that can be used to fight cancer and ageing.

The authors have not declared any competing interests.



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