Explore the Debate: Ageing as a Pathological Disease or Natural Phenomenon?

Does aging occur naturally or is it a disease we can treat?

The treatment of diseases associated with ageing will require a rethinking our approach to disease. Instead of a \”whack a mole\” strategy that targets individual conditions, an integrated medical approach to ageing is needed.

We all age, whether we are rich or poor. It is an inevitable process that affects us all. From a young child, we learn that aging is something we must accept. Some scientists, however, believe that medical interventions can be used to slow down or reverse the aging process.

The academic community is currently debating if aging can be treated or whether it’s a natural process.

Many academics are now pushing for the classification of aging as a disease. This could improve funding and speed up the progress in finding cures for age-related illnesses. [1] There is still debate about whether aging should be classified as a disorder or not. Is it just a semantics issue?



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