Explore the impact of AI technology in Longevity Science

What AI Technology is Doing to Longevity Right Now

In March 2023 MIT Technology Review revealed Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, (ChatGPT), as the mystery investor who invested $180 million into Retro Biosciences. Retro Biosciences is a stealth biotech startup with the goal of \”adding ten years to the lifespan of humans.\”

AI continues to grow in popularity for healthcare applications, according to reports from February 2023. The current market size is $14.6 billion with a CAGR of 47.6%. Solutions are spread out across different healthcare fields such as precision medicine, cybersecurity and lifestyle management.

AI and longevity science are combining to create a new wave of innovation in the sector. Researchers, established businesses and start-ups alike are utilizing this technology. Scientists have recently studied how ChatGPT (an AI-based language) was able predict Alzheimer’s disease in 80% cases by analyzing speech. It is not the only application.


What AI Technology Is Doing for Longevity Now


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