Explore the Israeli Longevity Landscape – Introducing the Top-60 Influencers

Aging Analytics Agency Photo 2.

Vetek Association presents their list of 60 Longevity Influencers in Israel. Their efforts in science and technology, industry, and policy are driving growth in the Israeli Longevity Landscape.

Link to the Report: https://www.aginganalytics.com/longevity-in-israel

Aaron Ciechanover Anat Ben-Zvi, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist Boaz Misholi Dov Chernichovsky — db TS’rnyHvbsky Ehud Cohen Eyal banin Idan Segev Ilia Stambler Israel Issi Doron Itamar Harel Itamar Raz Jonathan Mandelbaum Michael Neeman Mooly Eden Nir Barzilai MD Rafi Eitan Raphael Gorodetsky Ruth Arnon Uri Alon Valery Krizhanovsky Yael Sorek-benvenisti Yechezkel Barenholz Yosef Gruenbaum.



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