Aubrey de Grey Q&A – The Last 25 Years, SENS Longevity, Escape Velocity & More
Aubrey David Nicholas Jasper de Grey, an English biomedical gerontologist and author. He is Chief Science Officer at the SENS Research Foundation, and Vice President of New Technology Discovery for AgeX Therapeutics.
Please feel free to ask Aubrey any questions you may have!
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0:00 Introduction.
Aubrey’s 25th Anniversary & Beginning at SENS
14:35 SENS is 2020
21:27 Is there a certain age at which it is too late to reverse aging?
24:36 Elasticity and Glycation.
How can a medical student get involved in research on longevity?
Underdog & Oisin, SENS Projects 33:07
38:51 mRNA gene therapy
42:10 The Effects of Aging on the Neural Systems
Aubreys thoughts about Hyberbaric oxygen therapy.
51:21 Experience with SENS regulators.
How can we make life-extending treatments affordable?
58:28 Aubrey’s Timeline & Longevity.
What is the back-up plan for cryonics?
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