Explore the Possibilities for Rejuvenation With Aubrey de Grey : How Can We Curb Aging Diseases?

How to Cure the Diseases of Aging with Aubrey de Grey
28 November 2017

Rejuvenation, a medical specialty that focuses on the practical reverse of the aging processes.
Life extension and rejuvenation are two different things. Life extension strategies study aging causes and attempt to counteract them in order to slow down aging. Rejuvenation involves reversing aging. This requires a completely different strategy. It is either to repair the damage caused by aging, or replace damaged tissue with brand new tissue. Although rejuvenation can extend life, most strategies for life extension do not include it.

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Aubrey de Grey. Longevity. Diet. Aging. Aubrey de Grey, PhD is an English biomedical gerontologist who has contributed to the Hadwiger Nelson problem. He is the Chief Scientist of the SENS Research Foundation, and Vice President of New Technology Discovery for AgeX Therapeutics, Inc.
He is the editor-in-chief of Rejuvenation Research and author of The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging (1998). He is well-known for his belief that medical technology could allow people to live longer and not die of age-related causes.

In 2013, in a study, 2-year-old mice were tested to determine if they had muscle loss, insulin resistance, and inflammation. These are all indicators of aging, so the mice were given NMN (Natural MN) for a week. After only one week, the results of the 2-year-old mice were consistent with those of the 6-month-old mouse in terms of muscle wastage and insulin resistance.

In a subsequent study, Dr. David Sinclair and his team at Harvard Medical School discovered that the ageing of blood vessels was reversed. The study found that mice given NMN showed increased endurance and blood vessel growth.



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