Explore the possibilities of immortality by unlocking the secret of aging

DW Documentary
It was just released a few days ago.

Can the aging processes be reversed – or stopped altogether? We might be able eliminate age-related diseases like dementia, cancer and heart disease if we can decode the final mystery in our biology.

The race to discover the miracle drug is already underway. Researchers around the world are remarkably close to realizing humanity’s dream of immortality.

Luis Rosero Bixby’s discovery of Costa Rica’s \”Blue Zone\” gave the quest for immortality a boost. He found an astonishing number of centenarians in the \”Blue Zone\” on the Nicoya Peninsular. The male life expectancy in this area is the highest anywhere on the planet. The healthy lifestyle they lead is one reason, but their telomeres – DNA sections at the ends of chromosomes – are also longer than the average.

Maria Blasco is currently exploring this field in Madrid. This is only one possible factor that can influence the aging process. Senescent cells could also be a major factor. These cells are also known as \”zombie-cells\” and attack our bodies in old age, flooding them with alarm signals, until we eventually collapse. Manuel Serrano, a researcher from Spain, has proposed this theory.

The lab door is already rapping impatiently with the arrival of a billion-dollar industry. First to market the magic pill will be guaranteed immense wealth. Investors are supporting young bio-startups based in Hong Kong. US Big Tech, keen not to be left behind, is competing for the best scientists in the world. Alex Zhavoronkov, whose company is working on research into aging, has received a cash infusion of more than $250 million dollars.

While some visions of pioneers burst into bubbles, other rush to bring in products that are more questionable. Their efficacy can now be measured. Steve Horvath’s epigenetic clock can measure biological age regardless of actual age.

Greg Fahy, a Californian, has reversed the aging process with his research on thymus glands. In his initial human study, Fahy found that a certain drug cocktail reduced the average age of humans by two and a half years.



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