Explore the possibilities of living 200 years with Professor Rose Anne Kenny

Only Human
Want to live forever? Want to live forever? Can science help you cheat death? This pioneering documentary by Professor Rose Anne Kenny explores the science behind living a longer life and its consequences.

Imagine that old age is a distant memory. For better or worse, it appears that eternal life could soon become a reality. Scientists predict that many people will only die if they’re shot or run over with a bus.

The programme reveals what’s happening in the field of age prevention. It shows us how to lengthen our lives and how scientists believe that we are now closer than ever before to discovering the Elixir of Life.

What impact will it have on our society? What should governments do to prepare for an ageing population? Do people want to suffer the inevitable decline of their abilities as they age? Is it morally acceptable to transcend human fallibility in order to assume the role as God?


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