Explore the Possibility of downloading the human brain

How close are we to downloading the human brain?
It may sound like science fiction to download your brain, but neuroscientists believe it is not only possible but we have already begun the path towards making it a real thing one day. How close are we to being able to download a brain?

How close are we to Fusion Energy? — https://youtu.be/ZW_YCWLyv6A

We’ve put a worm’s mind in a Lego robot’s body
The neuron connections of a C.elegans roundworm were programmed into a Lego robot that looks like a wheeled Lego.

The Crumbs of Mouse Brain Reconstructed In Full Detail
The resulting three-dimensional reconstruction is the first full reconstruction of a tissue sample in the mammalian Neocortex, which is the region of the brain that has evolved the most recently.

The Immortalist – Uploading your Mind to a PC
Dmitry Itskov promises that \”within the next thirty years, I will make sure we all live forever.\”




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