Explore the possibility of reversing the aging process by reaching for longevity escape velocity

Longevity Escape Velocity

In the life-extension movement, longevity escape speed (also known as Actuarial Escape Velocity[1]), is a hypothetical scenario in which the life expectancy of a person is increased longer than time. In a year where longevity escape velocity is maintained, for example, technological advancements would increase life expectancy over the previous year.

As treatment strategies and technology improve, the life expectancy of people increases slightly each year. Currently, it takes more than an additional year of research to achieve each year of life expectancy. When this ratio reverses so that life expectancy grows faster than 1 year per year of research as long as the rate of advancement is sustainable, longevity escape velocity occurs. [2][3][4]

David Gobel, the co-founder of Methuselah Foundation and its first public proposer, was David Gobel. Aubrey de Grey[5] and Ray Kurzweil[6] have both endorsed the idea. Kurzweil named his book Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever after the concept. They claim that by increasing pressure on science and medical research to focus on increasing the limits of aging rather than continuing at the current pace, they will save more lives in the future. [2].



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