Explore the potential of AI hardware in simulating nature’s most complex systems

AI hardware can simulate the most complex natural systems by running compression algorithms

HPC has become a vital tool in processing large datasets, and simulating the most complex natural systems. Researchers are having difficulty developing more complex models due to Moore’s Law, which states that computing power doubles every 2 years. Memory bandwidth is also not keeping up. Scientists can speed up simulations by using AI hardware that runs compression algorithms.

Hatem Ltaief, a computer scientist who leads the team, is tackling this issue head-on. He uses hardware that was designed for artificial intelligence to help scientists improve their code. They report in a journal article that simulations can be up to 150-fold faster. This includes climate modeling, astronomy and seismic imaging, as well as wireless communications.

Ltaief, along with his co-workers, had shown that scientists \”over-solved\” their models by performing unnecessary calculations.



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