Explore the potential of restorative skin creams to combat inflammation

A Restorative Skin Cream May Reduce Inflammaging

Scientists at UC San Francisco, San Francisco Veterans Administration Health Care System and the University of California San Francisco believe that the skin may be a factor in inflammaging. Inflammaging is the chronic inflammation associated with age that promotes the development of a variety of age-related illnesses.

As we age, this chronic low-grade inflammation increases, increasing our risk of developing age-related illnesses. Inflammaging can be caused by a variety of factors, such as senescent cells, cell debris and immunosenescence.

In an earlier article, we discussed the possible role of bacterial load in relation to microbiota and age-related failures of the intestinal membrane that allow bacterial contamination into the body, increasing bacterial burden and inflammatory conditions. Researchers suggest that inflammaging may be caused by the gut microbiota.



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